

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Geeks around the world will know what I mean when I talk about the frustration of torrents.

First let me define what torrents are, for those of you who are less tech-savvy. Torrents are simply a method through which users can share files like a peer to peer network over the internet. It's essentially like Napster, or Kazaa, except it doesn't come with unwanted adware or memory-loading programs.

The problem with torrents however is that it can sometimes be very hard to find the right file you're looking for. In an age where copyright is sort of like a fruitless concept, companies have figured out that torrents are the new bandwagon and they are doing as much as they can to boycott it. They often load 'fake' torrents which will seem like the correct file, but it are simply 'viruses' or a 'notices of infringement' which will track your IP.

Why do I talk about such a thing here then? Because I've been a victim to the 'fake' end of the spectrum. Just then, actually. I was downloading Heroes, which I'm sure many of you will know is back from today. I downloaded the episode as I normally do. Of course, I hope the federal government doesn't read this blog - as torrents are essentially illegal (as illegal as downloading a song from Kazaa - i.e. no one really cares except for the Government). But as I opened the file, it occurred to me that it was a dud. I had to decompress it. Twice. Then, it gave me instructions on how to decompress the file a third time. For note, torrents 'rarely' need decompressing. Not for TV shows or movies, anyway. But yes, I was deeply hurt.

I was all relaxed and comfortable in my chair, ready to watch another exciting episode of Heroes, but I was jibbed.

Should I get angry for not being satisfied with my illegal actions? I think so. It's like there are rules and laws which are set, but are still unfair. E.g. laws against marijuana. Personally, I don't smoke it. But smoking MJ is a personal thing. It really does no harm to the people around them. It should be legalized, and yet slightly controlled - e.g. only for private use. People going to jail for smoking marijuana in their homes, shouldn't be right. Just like downloading TV shows and movies through the internet shouldn't be illegal either.

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