

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I'm doing an experiment with myself. How long can I go without MSN? The answer would seem quite simple... perhaps not very long. The issue is how exactly I would cave in. MSN isn't exactly a thing which you use that's 'essential.' It's not something that I 'need', but more of something that I 'want.'

I think I could last pretty long. The only reason I can think of that would cause me to give in to the temptation, would be if someone asked me to go on MSN to help them with work, or if I needed help in turn.

The point of the experiment (other than to deviate myself from MSN so I can essentially focus more on study and university - perhaps even my blog) is to determine how much of a significant factor MSN is in my life now. I'm on everyday. As soon as my computer turns on, I'm online. I'm on MSN.

The fact is, I'm only giving up MSN. I'm not giving up the internet as a whole. That's impossible. I don't think anyone could do that. Simply because they wouldn't be able to get anything done - so much of our lives are centered around it. University emails, notices, research, news, etc.

I'll still be writing on this blog. Perhaps my time away from MSN will mean that I'm going to spending more time on my blog or on Myspace or Facebook, and my initial intention to focus more on study will inevitably be fruitless. We'll just have to wait and see.

For now, I'm going cold turkey on MSN. Farewell.

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